The Japanese military attack on the Pearl Harbor naval base in Hawaii on Dec. 7, 1941, thrust the United States into WWII. It wasn’t long after that Australia and New Zealand found themselves also under threat of Japanese attacks. While the majority of Australia’s soldiers fought alongside the British Royal Army against the Germans in Read More
Category: Australia
The Parkes Observatory
July 20, 1969 six hundred million people worldwide sat glued to their televisions watching as Neil Armstrong emerged from Apollo 11. Making his way down the ladder, Armstrong’s feet finally made contact with the moon’s surface. What followed were his famous words, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”. Joined by Read More
Australia: Driving On the Left
In Australia Driving on The Left, Taken by @CaptnWing_n_it, December 2011 Having spent a lot of time in Australia, I’d say the biggest challenge I have faced has been getting around my fear of driving. Here in the United States, I love driving. It has always given me a sense of freedom and a chance Read More
Australia: Scratching The Surface
View From The Cape Otway Lightstation, Cape Otway, Victoria, Australia-Dec 2011. If you were to look at countries as part of a family unit, Australia feels like a long lost cousin. There are many similarities between the United States and Australia while there are many things that make us very different. As an American, what Read More
Australian Food, Sweets and Spreads
Half the fun of traveling can be trying new foods… depending on the location. I can’t say I jump at the chance to eat fried guinea pig in Peru or fried brain in Serbia. In Australia, the craziest thing I have tried so far is Kangaroo. It was weird… and did not taste like chicken. That Read More